One of the leading misconceptions we actively slave to is that investing in ourselves and our appearance has to be triggered by external factors, our (supposedly) inborn desire for approval and the very powerful (subliminal) desire to fit in. While some of it may actually be true (but we’re talking tiny percentage rates here), the most important aspect of looking good and feeling even better is that you love your reflection in the mirror.
We have a feeling that each and every one of the gorgeous women reading this article understands (at least for the major part) that the physique is nothing unless flavored with some (or a lot) mindfulness, a good heart and a clever mind. The energy we carry within and the vibe we let out counts just as much (if not more) as all the contouring techniques, smart outfit cuts, quality hairdos and Jimmy Choos. We shouldn’t have to say that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes because an awareness like that should already be a factual, understood trait rather than something you need to learn.
In merging the physical with the psychological, every woman out there is supposed to be her own hero and her own role model. Believe it or not, it’s easier than you think – with a few fresh swipes of a risky eye shadow on the lids, a dress cut you aren’t used to wearing, a reward for landing that huge client and a confidence boosts prescribed for daily use – you’ll be a changed person!
Here, we are listing a few internal and external tricks we advise you to implement, and run towards the self you’ve envisioned.
Spice up your hair
When was the last time you’ve felt powerful with the do you’ve got on? Yeah, that’s what we thought. The moment you start feeling restless (or simply bored out of your mind) with the hairdo you are forcing, it’s time for a change! Although we do tend to have a very emotional reaction to parting with our dos (it’s just a matter of breaking links with our favorite habits), the hair will grow in no time! Cutting it really isn’t the end of the world.
Find a cut that agrees with your face shape and look for something that will take years off that gorgeous face while giving it a new flair. Consult with your hairdresser about the change of color and style prior to making the final decision.
Work on your attitude
Work On Your Attitude |
No matter how good you look, you won’t ooze it unless you feel it. The most important part of every makeover is regaining the power and self-confidence you’ve lost along the way. Believe in yourself, be happy with who you are, love your reflection in the mirror, be your own motivational poster! Life is too short to waste time waiting for somebody else’s approval. You are enough.
Give your makeup style a twist
Makeup Style Twist |
Makeup can change the apparent age of your face, remember that! It can also make everyone in the room gasp when they see you, or let you go unnoticed. The idea behind a makeup makeover is to learn a few little tricks that will help you spice things up. If your current way of doing makeup is fine but you feel like it lacks that little something, experiment with colors, techniques and styles that will work for your overall style and face shape. The key is to know your face and use just the right products, like bronzer by Osmosis Skin Care, to give your face those tanned, seductive angles or the right eyebrow brush to make your eyes pop. Details are everything!
Be proud of your achievements
Proud of Your Achievements |
Let us just tell one thing: you don’t need to have a set of 100k adoring followers on Instagram to be the IT GIRL. You are already it, with or without external approvals – don’t you ever forget that.
One of your biggest makeover challenges is for you to start being proud of every single thing you’ve achieved – no matter how small or big. List all of them out and read them every morning. You’ll see what it’ll do to your energy (and looks!). The moment you start feeling better about yourself, you’ll instantly start looking different than your former, not-too-happy-self.
Switch things up with a new design
“I’ve got nothing to wear” is the national girl hymn for sure. But do we really not have anything to wear, or do we simply always go back to a few of our favorite pieces? Yes, it’s the latter.
Add a twist to your style by wearing colors, cuts and shapes you normally wouldn’t. Bright colors, bold patterns, graphic T-shirts, eclectic combos, weird pairings – just try it! Set a weekend for raiding your own closet and playing dress up. You’ll be shocked by what you can come up with! If you run out of inspiration, you can always consult that fashion-obsessed friend for advice and make it a girly weekend!