Digital Marketing

Easy Ways to Make your Digital Marketing Strategies work for You


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Digital marketing is a complex topic. There are hundreds of ways for you to market your company online, but there is no one-size-fits-all strategy. For this reason, you need to base the way that you advertise your business on your budget, your company structure and customer demographic. Here are the few topics for digital marketing agencies.
SEO is essentially tweaking your site so that it becomes available organically. Google are continually updating their algorithm so that the most relevant results show up on the first few pages. They also try and make sure that they stop any algorithm manipulation filters, to stop sites who don’t belong from being at the top of the SERPS. Of course, it is always important that your site addresses the technicalities that relate to query matching, non-text content and even spidering. When you do this, there is no reason why you can’t get to the first page of Google. This marketing strategy will bring a ton of organic traffic to your site and the results are long-lasting.
SEM or Search Engine Marketing is another strategy that can bring your business to a lot of internet traffic. The difference here is that SEM is commonly referred to as being Paid Search Marketing. The world of SEM is incredibly diverse, and it is also complicated as well. Depending on the structure of your business, you may need to choose PPC, CPC or even CPM. With so many models available, it’s safe to say that you can easily find one that suits the needs of your business.
Creating Content
Research has shown time and time again that content creation is a definitive method of marketing. Content creation is also one of the most important metrics that Google use when deciding how a site ranks. Content can be presented in a huge range of formats, so you are never going to be short of options. Some of the formats include white papers, blogs, e-books, and even case studies. The best thing about content creation is that you can be creative, and write anything you want. When you do this, you can skillfully link it back to your company. Remember that a really effective strategy will always engage your readers and it will also leave them wanting more information from you.
Social Media
Social Media Marketing is very similar to SEM. You are essentially driving traffic to your site or even to your business through various sites and platforms. This can include Instagram, Twitter or even Google+. Good content is always shared and linked, so it is important that you customise it to meet the needs of the platform you are using. When constructing your social media strategy, you need to be prolific and original. You also need to understand the users who you are trying to engage so that you can do this on a daily basis.
Digital Displays
You can easily use a huge range of display advertising formats to try and target your potential audience. You can use digital displays in a huge number of ways, whether it is through images, interactive videos or even with text. It’s also very easy to customise your message based on the content topic, the interest of your customer or where they are in the buying cycle. Digital displays can be expensive, and they can also be costly to run. For this reason, you need to have a really good ROI.
Digital Displays
Retargeting, or even remarketing is a strategy which will help you to target customers who have visited your site at least once before. It actually uses cookie technology and it is a preferred strategy if you want to lower your bounce rate or even your abandoned cart percentage. You can utilise this on your site or even on your social media page as well, so there really are numerous benefits.
Mobile Marketing
If you are not utilising mobile marketing, then you certainly should be. Mobile devices are being used more and more to browse the web, and if you are not including this in your strategy then you have a lot of untapped potential. Mobile marketing isn’t that much different to desktop marketing, and it won’t take long for you to really integrate it into the strategy that you have now.
Mobile Marketing
Interactive Marketing
A lot of customers feel much more loyal to a company when they are asked to provide feedback. On top of this, customers also like to have ongoing conversations with a company as well. If you want to make the most out of your marketing plan, then you need to utilize widgets or even opt-in features. This can include a newsletter, a discount or even a feedback section. The more you let your users contribute to your site, the more likely they will be to invest in your company and this will work wonders for your conversion rate. Customise your deals and discounts to meet the preferences of your customers and even work with them to make their experience better. They will really appreciate you more for it.
Create An App
Applications are taking the world by storm, and it also helps you to put your company right in front of your customer every single time they turn on their phone. If you do not have a company app right now then consider visiting: When you have an application, you can easily send live updates right to your customer’s phone and you can also send them discounts when your customer is near to your location. This will encourage them to pay you a visit and you would be surprised at how much this can boost your sales and your customer loyalty.
Email Marketing
Email marketing is all about sending commercial messages through your email address to a list of customers. If you want to have an email marketing campaign then this will help you to engage your customers and it will also help you to stay current too. Of course, in some instances, email marketing can appear to be spammy, so it is important that you take into account the structure of your company and even your customer demographic. When you do this, you can easily find out if it is a good option for you while also personalizing them to meet the needs of your customers.
  1. Jet with Jen 6 years ago

    I am new to blogging and all these acronyms really confuse me! I need to get my hands on a book that explains all this, as if I were 4.

  2. Liz 6 years ago

    This is a fantastic Guide to the basics that you really need to know in order to work with search engines. Thank you for such a complete and thorough description!

  3. Noted on this list. Thanks for the reminder. Hope this helps more people!

  4. mattel 6 years ago

    Great to know. I’ve been trying to figure these out lately as I need to market myself more especially on youtube. Thank you for the tips!

  5. Enhpad 6 years ago

    I've only been focosing on SEO lately, and I'm happy to see that there are actually a lot of other options! Thanks for this post!

  6. Kallia Manika 6 years ago

    Thank you for all the tips and explanations on several aspects of marketing. SEO is something I think I should focus and expand on!

  7. Marjorie Nazaire 6 years ago

    I am trying to improve my blog and I am grateful for your post sharing these great tips.

  8. Jennifer L. 6 years ago

    Wow so many great tools and tips on how to really improve our blogs. I really need to focus on improving my email marketing and making it work for my site.

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