Gum Disease

7 Debunked Myths About Gum Disease You Shouldn’t Believe in


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Gum disease is a condition that occurs when the bacteria that inhabit your oral cavity start to multiply actively and cause gum inflammation. This can result in red gums, bad breath, and many other unpleasant symptoms. There are a lot of myths and misconceptions about gum disease that are quite popular.

In this article, we have gathered seven debunked myths about gum disease you shouldn’t believe in.

1. Gum disease is rare

There is a common misconception that gum disease can affect only people who smoke and the elderly. Indeed, they are more prone to develop gum disease but the truth is that this condition can affect everyone. For example, children and adults that don’t maintain proper oral hygiene have an increased risk of getting gum disease.

Poor oral hygiene contributes to bacterial overgrowth that causes gum inflammation. Additionally, bacteria that cause gum disease can be retransmitted during kissing or if you share food or utensils with the affected person.

2. Gum bleeding is harmless

Many people think that gum bleeding that occurs during toothbrushing is harmless and neglect it. But you should know that gum bleeding is not normal and can manifest gum weakness and even the developing gum disease. In this case, it is better to make an appointment with your dentist for an exam and treatment if needed.

3. Gum disease causes severe symptoms

The severity of symptoms caused by gum disease depends on the stage of the condition. Indeed, the initial stage of gum disease that is called gingivitis can manifest itself through mild symptoms like gum bleeding, redness, swelling, and bad breath.

Without timely and proper treatment, gingivitis can advance and turn into periodontitis that can cause gum pockets, toothache, loose teeth, and many other severe symptoms. To avoid these complications, you need to pay sufficient attention to your oral health and visit a dentist even if you have mild symptoms.

4. Gum disease is not dangerous

Gum disease is a serious health issue that can affect your oral cavity and even your overall health. People with advanced gum disease can have teeth, gum, and bone loss, severe toothache, and many other oral issues. Additionally, periodontitis can increase your risk of stroke, heart disease, and atherosclerosis.

5.  Gum disease can be easily cured

If you have started to treat gum disease in the initial stage, it can be cured with the help of a professional dentist and proper treatment options. But you should know that there is no cure for periodontitis.

Indeed, it is essential to treat gum disease and get dental implants if you have lost a tooth. If gum disease affects your gums and jaw bone, you may need to undergo bone grafting and gum grafting before getting a dental implant.

6. Gum disease affects only gums

As mentioned above, gum disease can cause many health issues. For example, when your gums are receding, they expose the roots of your tooth. This can result in increased teeth sensitivity and teeth loosening. Additionally, bacteria that cause gum disease can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation throughout the body.

7. Gum disease can’t be prevented

Even though gum disease doesn’t always occur because of poor oral hygiene and can be hereditary, proper oral care can decrease your risk of this condition. If you want to prevent the development of gum disease, you need to brush your teeth thoroughly, use dental floss daily and eat healthy foods that contain omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals.

Additionally, you need to visit your dentist on a regular basis. Teeth cleaning twice a year can help remove tartar build-up and plaque accumulation that contribute to gum inflammation. A dentist can also recognize the signs of developing gum disease and perform the treatment.

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