Pregnancy 2Bperiod

Tricks to Sleeping Well During Pregnancy


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Pregnancy is the best time in the life of every woman. They get to experience the miracle of life in their womb as they get ready to welcome a new baby into their lives. However, it is essential to take good care of yourself during the gestation period to ensure that the little one in the womb gets everything it needs to grow and flourish. With pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes many changes, especially with a growing belly. This tends to make it more difficult to get quality sleep, especially during the last trimester. However, it is essential to get enough sleep during the pregnancy period to help the fetus grow healthy and strong. It is time to go mattress shopping to make sure you have a comfortable mattress from companies like Wakefit to make sure that you get enough sleep during this beautiful period in your life.

Here are a few tips to get better sleep during your pregnancy period:

  • Try supplements

If you speak to your doctor about your sleeping problems, they may give you a prescription for some sort of sleeping pill. However, there are many different supplements that you can try first that are said to help people to get better sleep. Not only can you get direct access without prescription, but they will also most likely be a lot better for you too. These include melatonin, valerian root, lavender, THC, and magnesium. It’s always best to check with your doctor before taking something new though, especially when you are pregnant.

  • Avoid Naps During The Day
To get quality sleep at night, it is a good idea to cut down on naps during the day. In case you start feeling sleepy, try snacking on a protein snack or a piece of fruit. If you are not getting enough sleep at night due to a faulty mattress, you might feel the need for more day naps. In that case, it is time to consider where to buy a mattress that is comfortable and within your budget.
  • Drink Plenty Of Water
Staying hydrated is essential during your pregnancy. However, you can slow down your fluid intake around three hours before your bedtime to avoid waking up in the middle of the night for a trip to the bathroom.
  • Say Goodbye To Stress
Most pregnant women feel overwhelmed during their pregnancy. They stress about the new changes in their life and worry about how they will look with a newborn after the delivery and so on. The best way to get over stress is by talking to a friend or loved one to get your thoughts in order. In case it gets too overwhelming, you can also meet up with a therapist to discuss your emotions.
  • Choose A Comfortable Position
Find a comfortable position on the bed while lying down. Investing in the best foam mattress can do wonders in helping your body find the position that is the most comfortable to fall asleep. Medical professionals advise sleeping on your side once you cross 20 weeks, to avoid blood flow from being disrupted to the baby in your womb.
  • Physical Activity
Talk to the doctor to find out how much physical activity is considered to be fine during your pregnancy. Moving about and exercising in the morning is a great way to avoid leg cramps during the night. Many women find it difficult to fall asleep after getting a leg cramp, which affects their whole sleep cycle.
  • Stick To A Routine
Sticking to a routine helps your body unwind as it gets closer to bedtime. This will work as a signal to your body, letting it know that it is time for sleep. Your little one also gets used to the routine and finds it more comfortable to sleep during the night as well. Investing in the best mattress India will also help your body adapt to the new routine quickly.
In case you suffer from heartburn, it might be difficult to fall asleep at night. If it is a frequent recurrence, it is time to bring about a change in your diet. Rather than eating three meals, switch to six smaller meals to avoid heartburn. It is also a good idea to have your dinner at least two hours before bedtime. Medical professionals also advise taking a walk or standing up rather than lying down immediately after a meal. At the end of the day, you need to take good care of yourself to ensure the growth of a healthy baby.
  1. GiGi Eats 6 years ago

    I actually slept like a ROCK while pregnant. I am a stomach sleeper and could sleep on my stomach the whole time!

  2. Tammy 6 years ago

    I slept pretty well too – must've had a great mattress! ��That is one thing I agree we should never skimp on – best investment for your health and sanity especially when the baby comes and sleep will be even more scarce!

  3. You, Me and Benny 6 years ago

    My friend needs this! She is NOT sleeping well!!

  4. Chad 6 years ago

    I am sharing this across my network, amazing info. We're not pregnant but this will definitely help a couple of my friends. Thank you.

  5. Lyosha Varezhkina 6 years ago

    I do hope I will not have too much trouble sleeping but your post is of great value to me

  6. Czjai 6 years ago

    Finding the most comfortable sleeping position was quite difficult during the last trimester of my pregnancy. My belly was so big back then that you'd think I was having twins.

  7. Arun 6 years ago

    Awe .thanks for these valuable tips .my sister need them right now. She toss and turn whole night.

  8. Ashley N Rice 6 years ago

    Great article! I'm not pregnant, but sleeping well is something I am always worried about for when I do get pregnant!

  9. MarksvilleandMe 6 years ago

    I was a big side sleeper with a pillow between my legs and belly sleeper with a pillow by my side.

  10. Samar 6 years ago

    I am going to save this for our future reference, as of now.

    Thanks for sharing.

  11. I am glad that I am not having problem with my sleep during my pregnancy but I am sure these tips will helps those pregnant mom to have a good night sleep during those period.

  12. Alexandra Pilo 6 years ago

    I wish I knew these when I was pregnant

  13. Where was this 9 years ago? LOL, But, honestly, all these are great except for the one that says to find a comfortable position. My issue was (all three times), was that I couldn’t “find” a comfortable position. Is anyone with me on this?

  14. Mum mum Ma 6 years ago

    I wish I had these tips when I was pregnant, I had such a hard time getting any sleep. Thanks for sharing

  15. Danielle 6 years ago

    This is good advice! I had the worst time trying to sleep when I was pregnant.

  16. Blair 6 years ago

    Smart advice. Good routine to start to extend into once the baby arrives.

  17. Heather McMechan 6 years ago

    It just didn’t happen for me. I had big babies, but I love these tips!

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